MapMarker® BV500 DY632 (Orange) Labeled 35-500bp
MapMarker® 35-500bp contains 16 discrete DNA fragments specifically designed to utilize the default parameters on GeneMapper™ and GeneScan™ DNA Fragment Analysis Software and labeled with DY632 (Orange/Fifth Channel). They are uniformly spaced at 35, 50, 75, 100, 130, 150, 160, 200, 250, 300, 340, 350, 400, 450, 490, and 500 base pairs. Unit Size: 400ul (800 Loadings)
MapMarker® DNA sizing standards are sets of high quality fluorescently labeled DNA fragments designed to provide accurate base calling and precision sizing of samples with consistent intensities and migration patterns. They are compatible with the most commonly used fluorescent-based separation instruments systems, including capillary-based gel electrophoresis genetic analysis systems.
MapMarker® standards are stable for a minimum of 18 months when stored in the dark at 4°C.
If you require a different combination of bands you can create your own custom single-stranded fluorescent DNA sizing standard for your unique application using our MapMarker® design tool.